What Is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a specialized type of counseling that focuses on the emotional aspects of the sexual experience and the connection between the emotions and physicality of sex. In sex therapy, individuals and couples work through their stress and anxiety about sex, regardless of how or when that stress started. For a nice summary, check out this page: https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-qa/what-happens-during-sex-therapy/

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Do You Take Health Insurance?

Like many mental health providers, we do not participate with third party payors such as health insurance companies. We can provide you with a statement to submit to insurance for out of network mental health benefits.

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How Much Does A Session Cost?

Sessions are often 60 or 90 minutes, and payment is due at the end of the session. The fee is based on length of session and time of day. Please complete inquiry form for more details here.

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What Can I Expect In My First Session?

In your first session, Dr. Modjoros will take a brief medical history and then ask about your sexual concerns. Each client interview flows uniquely as Dr. Modjoros clarifies the exact issues. Then at the end of the first session, she will share with you her impressions of the primary issues, and offer recommended “homework” to specifically address those issues.

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Do I Have To Tell the Therapist My Fantasies and Kinks?

You never have to disclose anything you are not comfortable sharing. However, therapy is most effective when the client is comfortable and honest. Dr. Modjoros is committed to establishing and maintaining a judgement-free space for all individuals to open up and work on their sexual and emotional challenges. She is kink-friendly and works with individuals of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and other minority groups. Her focus is truly to help her clients reach their goals. She considers the “big picture” as she designs unique recommendations and homework for each client, so omitting important details about your sexuality or sexual experience may be counterproductive.

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How Often Are the Sessions and How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Sessions are most often every 2-3 weeks, but can be weekly or monthly in some circumstances. Sexuality is complex and individualized, so there is no way to estimate the “average” number of sessions a specific sexual problem may need. It is very common for clients to feel very relieved and less stressed about sex after the 1st session, even though the work has just started. Generally, for more longstanding issues, improvement will be noted after 4-6 sessions, but the work will continue until the client’s goals are reached.

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Is My Information Confidential?

Dr. Modjoros values your privacy and confidentiality as much as you do, which is one of the reasons she does not contract with 3rd party payors (insurance companies). As an out of network provider, her notes and records can not be requested by insurance companies. Additionally, privacy and confidentiality is integral to the medical training of a physician and the practice of medicine. As an AASECT Certified Sex Counselor, Dr. Modjoros is also held to AASECT’s Code of Ethics, which includes privacy standards. She maintains strict confidentiality of her client’s information at all times and requires written/signed documentation before she will confer with any of her client’s other providers. For a nice summary, check out this page:  https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-qa/what-happens-during-sex-therapy/

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Still have questions unanswered? Please reach out to us and let’s connect!